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Carry guns, ammo, carry practices!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:40 am
by CherokeeGunslinger
Post about your carry guns and ammo, and related stuff, boys.

I carry a PF940v2 in 9mm. I've got 17+1 of 124gr 9mm Federal HSTs on tap and two reloads to boot. I carry at 2:00 with just a black t-shirt and I move it to 3:00 when I add a Hawaiian shirt. As a fat boy, I can conceal just about anything :lol:

Re: Carry guns, ammo, carry practices!

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:11 am
by Mad Anthony Wayne
Modified 1911A1, national match barrel and bushing. Standard 230 grain FMJ .45 ACP. Comfortable with it because I carried it in the Army before transition to the M9. Used to carry a Walther P5, but went back to a "heavy hitter".
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